Darn Ma, the paint's peeling!


Darn thing is hitting the ground in the center of the airplane.  My wheels are "cambered" like nuts! 

The laser should hit the other wheel axel hole.

Ok thats fixed so now so at gross weight a laser down the left axel hole hits a spot on the other side at the same elevation and slightly forward (toe out, both wheels).


Darn, I have to remove my Bahamas stickers.  Hey, I'm the only Quickie to visit the Bahamas (as far as I know).


Wouldn't ya know it.  You change the axle holes and the brakes need to be changed.  The tire now hits on the inside of the wheel pant, so on your back you cut out the offending fiberglass, reshape the foam and re-glass the area.

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Updated Feb 2008 all pictures and text copyright M. Dwyer 2008,
feel free to link to this page but not to the images.