We started a discussion of landing techniques and
found there were a couple of differences in our
First- The Factory airplane N81QA

Note the tail wheel doesn't follow the bottom tail cone line.
I tried to group the Q2 and Q200 pictures that I could find in a couple of
groups, those with tail wheel geometries like the factory plane an those with
tail wheels that are substantially lower into the airstream.
Tail wheel is higher up than the factory plane.

Sam's plane (above) seems to have the tail wheel higher than most

Tail wheel is similar to the factory plane.

Tail wheel is substantially lower than the factory plane.

So my conclusion/opinion is that:
1) If the tail wheel is too high compared to the factory plane, your plane
will have a tendency to bounce on landing because the main gear will generally
touch down before the tail, a 3 point will be very hard to get.
2) If the tail wheel is like the factory plane you will get a 3 point landing
just before stall. Yes, if you come in too fast you can hit mains first or
too slow you could hit the tail first.
3 If the tail wheel is lower than the factory plane you will likely land tail
wheel first, then you can use the elevator to slowly put the mains down.
This landing must occur faster than a 3 point so you maintain elevator control.
Also the take off speed must be higher due to a lower angle of attack.