Year 2000.
Over the last few months I've done some panel upgrades
from the 16 year old stuff.

Here is an overview of the panel.
From top left to right. Timer/Clock, Card compass, airspeed, 12v
Attitude Gyro, Garmin 295 GPS, intercom, G- Meter
From lower left to right. Starter gizmo, rate of climb,
altitude, turn & bank, engine monitor (Icom flip flop com radio), Narco 120
com (AT150 transponder).
Very bottom, RPM, CHT/EGT, elevator trim.
The starter gismo is used in starting the engine. It
eliminates kick back due to the very light weight propeller. Kick back
wrecks the starter.
The Hamilton card compass is junk (vibrates around +-10
degrees of your course). We don't use it but it is required for VFR flight.
The Garmin 295 GPS is amazing. It displays a moving map with
an HSI indicator, has all the instrument approaches programmed in, has WAAS
and is generally accurate to 20 feet including altitude! Can shoot an
approach to the end of any airport!
The engine monitor continuously monitors oil Pressure, oil
temperature, voltage, and can read the inside and outside temperature. Cost
$50 at JC Whitney! I've modified it to output the alarm signal when
something is outside the programmed limits to the intercom where the
flashing red LED corresponds to the beeping in your headset.
Intercom is stereo, has inputs for CD player, ham radio,
power output for these. Selects between the 2 com radios, mutes the alarm if
required. Also has the circuit breakers for the avionics.
Headsets, were Active Noise canceling Lightspeed 20K's. Way to
big, modified them to fit. Only complaints are I always forget to turn them
off (I use rechargeable batteries in them so don't really care), and the emit
too much RF sometimes interfering with the com radio. But now 2008, I
have replaced the Lightspeeds with Active Noise Canceling Earbuds
and Peltor Gun Mufflers. Way cheaper and way better. Go
"home" and select Earbuds for more info!

A right side close up.

Left side close up.

A side shot. You can see the aileron reflexer control. Side
pocket in fabric are very useful.

Please come back soon and visit me often! |